Kelly Walsh athletics are committed to providing learning opportunities to help students formulate and achieve their goals. In order to support and sustain academic success, personal fulfillment, and greater academic achievement for its students, Kelly Walsh emphasizes educating the whole person to develop the intellectual, social and leadership qualities in each student. The primary goal for the Athletics/Activities Department at Kelly Walsh High School is to support the vision and mission of the school by providing students with opportunities that will lead to their academic success and personal development. Kelly Walsh offers all sports and activities sanctioned by the Wyoming High School Activites Association.
Athletic Live Stream
Insurance Form for Athletics
Athletic/Activity Schedules
Physical Form for Athletics
Kelly Walsh Athletic/Activities Department is committed to providing learning opportunities to help students formulate and achieve their goals. In order to support and sustain academic success, personal fulfillment, and greater academic achievement for its students, Kelly Walsh emphasizes educating the whole person to develop the intellectual, social and leadership qualities in each student. The primary goal for the Athletics/Activities Department at Kelly Walsh High School is to support the vision and mission of the school by providing students with opportunities that will lead to their academic success and personal development.

John Sheaff
Athletic Director
Activities/Athletic Office: (307)253-2159
Activities/Athletic Fax: (307)253-2066

Kelly Walsh High School Alpine Ski Team competes throughout the Rocky Mountain Region. Goals: 1. High school sports should be memorable experiences that foster life-long relationships & memories. 2. The value of hard work can never be underestimated. 3. Teamwork & togetherness are life-long lessons that we hope to instill in our athletes.

The basketball programs at KWHS have an outstanding tradition of excellence. Both our boys and girls teams are known for hard-working, physical play and have established themselves as a perennial qualifiers for the Wyoming State Basketball Championship
Tournament. Our programs emphasize work ethic and effort on the court as well as developing good students and citizens in the classroom. Our goal is to maintain consistency among the elite 4A teams in the state.
Men's Basketball Website

Kelly Walsh High School cheerleading is where all the fun begins. You have summer camp, sporting events, homecoming, pep rallies, and many other exciting events to look forward to. Not only are the simple aspects of cheerleading exciting, but you will notice that practices become demanding. You will experience what it’s like to cheer at games with stands full of screaming fans, and you will become a role model to those around you. You hold a very important job as a KW cheerleader.

Cross Country is an excruciating Monday tempo that challenges the body. Cross Country is a Tuesday steady state with speed work that challenges the mind. Cross Country is Wednesday Warrior intervals that challenge the soul. Cross Country is a Thursday pre-race recovery run that's anything but recovery. Cross Country is an exhilarating Friday race that pushes the limit of the human psyche. Cross Country is waking up sore early Saturday morning and running 6 miles on the mountain. Cross Country is no time-outs, no substitutions, no half-times, and no excuses.

Everyday at 6:00 am the Kelly Walsh Dance Team practices and prepares themselves to entertain the Trojan fans. The dance team performs at every home football, wrestling, and basketball game. These talented six time state champions provide high energy routines during halftime. As well as performing at games they also compete at the Wyoming State Spirit Competition every year.

The Kelly Walsh Golf Team participates in a split season that occurs both in fall and spring. KWHS has an exceptional golf program with several individual and team state championships.

Kelly Walsh High School Nordic Ski Team competes throughout the Rocky Mountain Region. Goals: 1. High school sports should be memorable experiences that foster life-long relationships & memories. 2. The value of hard work can never be underestimated. 3. Teamwork & togetherness are life-long lessons that we hope to instill in our athletes.

Kelly Walsh High School is known through the state for its soccer program. Both the boy's and girl's teams have made multiple appearances in the state finals. Many players that have been apart of these programs have gone on to college and continued their soccer careers there. KW is proud of the athleticism and the sportsmanship that is portrayed in both these teams every season no matter the record.

The Kelly Walsh Swimming and Diving team is one of the hardest working programs in the state. Each season, the teams push 90 athletes and are continuing to grow. In the last 3 years we have set 31 pool/school records, had 18 All-State athletes, and 5 All-American athletes. The program has led numerous alumni to continue their athletic careers at the collegiate level.

The KWHS Tennis Team has established a tradition of excellence with multiple individual, doubles, and team state championships. The team participates in a split season that occurs in both the fall and spring. We are very proud of our team.

Kelly Walsh offers both indoor track in the winter and outdoor track in the spring for both men and women. The track and field programs at KW have enjoyed a very successful history with numerous individual and state championships and dozens of track alumni competing at all levels of college including division I.

Kelly Walsh High School has a full time, certified athletic trainer. Our trainer works with athletes from every sport at Kelly Walsh and has proven crucial to the health and success of our athletes. The Student Athletic Trainer program is designed to give those students interested in athletic training an opportunity to be involved with the health care of the various athletic teams. Any student interested in becoming a student athletic trainer should contact Chellsie in the Training Room.

Kelly Walsh is one of Wyoming's most storied volleyball programs. The Trojans have won 8 State Championships and finished runner-up 8 times. In the past 18 years, we have played for the Wyoming State Championship 14 times. Known for being fundamentally sound, playing tenacious defense, and a free swinging offense, the Trojans are a conference, regional, and state championship contender year after year. The Trojan volleyball program is committed to growing strong young women who not only compete for championships every year, but are great students, positive role models, and leaders in our community.

KW wrestling is centered around building successful individuals in school, in athletics, and in life. We believe that wrestling is the greatest sport on earth and lessons learned in wrestling such as accountability, goal setting, work ethic, determination, overcoming adversity and humility are qualities that all successful adults need. We teach fundamentals and work to perfect them. We believe that mastering the techniques of wrestling while being in peak physical condition are the keys to success. Success is measured on a personal level. Whether it means winning a state title or just your first match, each individual has their own personal goals and we are here to help them acheive those goals.